Whew! Two days have passed and I have been working intensely on Black Castor Oil Shampoo Bars and Wheatgrass and Black Tea Leaf Acne Wash. The wash can be used on face and body and is based in a castille-like soap with additives sulfur, wheatgrass and black tea leaf. The BCO Shampoo bar is comprised of the very same ingredients found int he BCO Infusion for Hair. I hot-processed both products with KOH and it took FOREVER to trace enough to get soap paste. Pictured (l to r) Sulfurirzed Body Wash for Acne, Black Castor Oil Shampoo Bars. photo credit: Leslie Jones McCloud
I sell handcrafted soaps. I offer natural, made-to-order items and emollient-rich products. Luxetruesoap.com2020 on Instagram, @amazingwhatnots on twitter and look at my products there. Cash App $LJM2021